
I am a 74 year old happily married lady. I was born in England and while I’m proud of my English heritage, I am doubly proud to be a true-blue, fair-dinkum Aussie. I have been very happily married to a wonderful man for over 50 years and we have five wonderful sons, all with at least one University degree and in top positions in their chosen fields. One son is still single but four have found perfect wives and they have given us five lovely grandchildren.

My husband and I are committed Christians whose first priority is to love and serve our risen Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

My life story will tell of my journey from abuse to peace. I suffered 22 years of abuse, being constantly told I was totally evil and an ugly freak: no one would ever want me, so I might as well do the world a favour and kill myself. I was a definite man-hater and was about to become a nun in early 1959.

My life completely changed after 8th June 1958 and I have enjoyed a wonderful life of peace and security for the last 52 years.  My journey from abuse and despair to peace, joy and security is related in a continuing story under the tab “My Life Story”

Why “Meeting in the clouds”?  The Scripture reference on the heading gives the answer:

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 “For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them IN THE CLOUDS, to meet the Lord in the air: and so we shall ever be with the Lord”

What a glorious day that will be! Will you be there?

79 Responses to About

  1. Pingback: Casa do Ruivo – Madeira | Snowgood's Blog

  2. Anonymous says:

    powerful, helpful…it inspire me. continue to bless others…in Christ I’m Ptr. Jesrel Sumicad here in the philippines


    • Anonymous says:

      inspiring blog…continue to write what God puts into your heart….God bless you more…im a pioneering Pastor Jesrel Sumicad here in Mindanao Philippines. it helps me a lot. Thank you so much


  3. Tammi Kale says:

    What a glorious blog you maintain! Knowing our Heavenly Father makes us soar and you are using the wonderful talent He has given you of blessing others so beautifully! God bless your every moment!


  4. mwitasblog says:

    Thank you very much for visiting my blog and for the comment. May we live for His glory alone.


  5. Tony says:

    Thank you for liking my posting. I look forward to reading your blog.


  6. Hi there
    Thank you so much for liking my page :) I really appreciate it. Blessing.


  7. booklovers1 says:

    What a wonderful thing it is you are doing here!! I’m so sorry to read about the kind of things you had to endure but am glad that you have found Christ!! :) I love the name of your blog which reminded again of Christ’s coming and that we are to be aware of it at all times. But how easily it is forgotten! May you and your work be blessed.


  8. Patty B says:

    Thank you for following my blog – I am so glad you did. I feel God’s handiwork in leading you to me – because from what I have seen so far, I have a feeling God wants to tell me something, and I am ready to listen! God bless you – I look forward to meeting another sister in Christ!


  9. Am excited to meet Him….


  10. shofar says:

    Aloha, just want you to know that I listed your blog under ‘Blogs I Like’ at ‘God’s Enduring Love’ http://heulu.wordpress.com. Thank you for your many inspiring posts!


  11. Lyn Leahz says:

    And that’s perfectly okay. We all have differently callings upon our lives. And when we are called to something, we must obey God’s voice…lest we be like Jonah. I am prayerful every day and in tune with the voice of the Holy Spirit. If it ever bothers you whatsoever, just know that I am only doing as the Lord has me doing. Your desire/interests/calling may be quite different from mine…but God has led each into different areas. People who are led to warn and prophesy, just like Elijah, Ezekiel, and so forth, never come to deliver a sugar coated message. God said people in this time would rise up and prophesy…and great things would happen. There is always much judgment and ridicule on a person as myself, (not meaning you here….) and, sadly, from sisters and brothers in Christ. I do not worry myself with anything unless someone is preaching false doctrine. I praise God daily that I do not buy into false doctrine, nor do I spread it. God’s word was instilled in me at the young age of 5-6 years old. I began going to church and Sunday School every Sunday around that time and rarely missed a Sunday until I was 16…that’s when I stopped temporarily and rebelled, and my life went sour, until I returned to the call of the Lord and His service. God bless you sister! You can always freely speak your thoughts with me and I won’t get offended..if it ever sounds that way (becuase you know how the writing thing goes..no voice inflection, facial expression, body language, and so forth..), just know in advance I don’t mean it that way. If you talked to me ever, you would hear in my voice that I am actually a kind, compassionate, and patient person. God bless you! Have yourself a blessed day and week, every day and every week, in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior!


  12. Lyn Leahz says:

    And I forgot to say, I want you to stay, and am glad you do! Don’t I know how overwhelming this blog business gets! Whooh! It takes a lot of time, and is hard to respond to everything. I’m happy God told you to stick around and not give it away! You’re much needed and wanted here!


  13. Lyn Leahz says:

    You’re fine. I haven’t been trying to be political, as I’m not a political person. However, I am posting news only from Christian prophecy news places that I am subscribed to. I post things that pertain to things that are going on in the world that pertain to Bible prophecy. Unfortunately, certain political things are happening which relate to that. However, be it known, I am far from a political person ;-) Just so you know. I do not, however, subscribe to any news sources that are not Christian. I subscribe to Hal Lindsey, Christian Prophecy News Updates, and stuff like that. God’s people, and those who are living in unrepentance must know what is going on so that they will clearly see that the time is near. Although you and I, and many others, do not need all of these things to know we’re the generation who will see Christ, there are many who are caught up in that lukewarm state, and many who don’t know Christ at all, who need to know. So where it may be boring or unproductive for us personally, because we know better, it might serve to bring those who do not know Him, or those who are unrepentant (backslidden) to the place they need to be. God bless you! Love ya in Christ sister!


    • While I wouldn’t call myself political, I am VERY interested in Australian politics and often write to government leaders about various policies, but my political interest doesn’t extend far beyond our own, except for keeping up to date to a degree. I have never been able to understand American politics, but then a number of Americans have told me they don’t either.

      I can’t say I’m VERY interested in prophecy either. I do often quote fulfilled prophecies and I try to keep up with SOME unfulfilled – ones that are more clear cut, as are most pertaining to the coming of Christ. Having been a Christian for 54 years, I remember when most Christians had nations and events very much lined up, and had to change when they didn’t – a few times over. I think we need to be careful not to be too adamant on things that are not spelled out clearly.

      I prefer to concentrate on the here and now and I’m happy to leave future events to others – though I look for that day when we shall be caught up together in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.

      We are one day closer!


  14. Lyn Leahz says:

    :-( Aww..I’m sorry. I have been finding some good vid’s here lately. Well, I’m also posting a lot of reading material.. on both sites. Anyhow, I’m sorry. You’re so sweet and I was just hoping you’d at least get to hear them. God bless you sister!


    • I haven’t been replying to anyone’s political blogs. It isn’t that I’m not interested, but that I have to limit my time here, so I have to be choosy. I am struggling to keep up as it is. I have quite often thought I should give it away, but the Lord assures me that He put me here and wants me to stay – so here I stay.


  15. Lyn Leahz says:

    Hey sis..sorry for posting this here…please just delete it..I looked for an email but couldn’t find it. I know you can’t watch videos but was curious if you’re able to hear them. There were a bunch of videos I posted lately that were just wonderful! And I really hoped you might be able to hear them. Let me know, and God bless you my dear sister! Love ya in Him!


  16. Denise Hisey says:

    Your story has likely touched many lives and given many survivors hope.


  17. Anonymous says:

    Thankyou for stopping by Bread for the Bride. Glad to meet another Aussie Christian blogger!


  18. Judy says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog:). Blessings! Judy


  19. Arlene says:

    Good morning Angela:) These blessed awards are a little time consuming and I see you’ve been quite blessed recently already. I just couldn’t leave you off my list; however, if you want to take your time accepting this one, I’m okay with that :) When you’re ready, please stop by http://armouredup.wordpress.com for your Ten Commandments Award. Many blessings!!! xx


  20. pbus1 says:

    Hi Angela,

    I wanted you to know that I nominated you for a couple of blogging awards. To find out more about these awards, click on the link. I nominated you for the Commentator Award and the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! Have a blessed day, in His presence!

    Blog Awards



  21. Ohh!!!! I stumbled upon a comment of yours on God Debates and followed you here and I cannot wait to linger a while to get to know you. Have a blessed day:)


    • Welcome Arlene. I look forward to getting to know you.


    • Angela,

      Arlene has become a precious friend in Christ to me via the WordPress community. She said your blog was amazing… so know that I’m following it and can’t wait to read your posts!

      Isn’t the Kingdom of God amazing? We can be complete strangers but still love each other and encourage each other profoundly. We ARE sisters in Christ and like I was saying to Arlene, the reality is that we get to spend eternity together.

      May God bless you, friend. God is good!

      Keep glorifying Him,
      Ava Elizabeth Wisdom


  22. Freedomborn says:

    Hi Angela, we will be leaving for our Holiday’s soon and I need to pack which takes me a little longer then most, so will have to limit my Blogging, I will be doing a Post to let everyone know but just wanted to tell you personally. I will be taking a lap top but it’s a bit primitive but I hope to be able to do those Power points that I have promised.

    We will back at the end of May, take care my caring friend, we will miss you but still hope to keep in touch even if limited.

    Christian Love Anne.


    • Have a really, really relaxing holiday Anne & Ron and don’t be too concerned about keeping up here. We don’t expect you to spend your holidays blogging.

      I have been spending less time here, trying to give short comments where possible. Myles has had his Pacemaker implanted and it is working. In fact, it has been a possible lifesaver a couple of times. The Pacemaker stops the pulse rate dropping below 60 but it doesn’t regulate the blood pressure. I had to ring 000 again last Sunday when his blood pressure dropped to 58. It was rather upsetting, but he is OK now after a couple of days in hospital. They have altered his medication.

      He is a candidate for a quadruple bypass, but the target area is not strong enough. He has numerous blockages (well, part blockages) but they would not take stents and there are too many anyway. The change in medication is helping. I don’t like leaving him alone, because ‘drop-outs’ happen quite suddenly.

      Have a great holiday. I’ll miss you, but not begrudge you a happy time away.

      Christian love


      • Freedomborn says:

        Thank you Angela, we are looking forward very much to our holidays but I will miss everybody, you are all like family to me with not having family who Love the Lord, in Truth they reject my even mentioning Him, my Sister and her family are Buddhist but her god is very differant then ours, Mum has not screamed at me lately or told me I’m deluded, perhaps at 92 she is now thinking through what she learnt as a child, her Mum was a Christian.

        Sorry to hear Myles has been having problems I hope he will soon be well again we will keep him in prayer. Ron had a Triple Bypass 12 years ago and has been very well heart wise since, praise the Lord even his Surgeon was a Christian which was a surprise, he prayed before he operated… How good is that!

        Christian Love from both of us – Anne

        P.S we never receive your replies from your Blog Angela, only when you leave a comment on our Blog, you may need to adjust your settings.


  23. Freedomborn says:

    Easter is a time of rememberance, a time of thankfulness, a time of Joy…

    Many Blessings Angela and your Loved ones.

    Christaian Love – Ron and Anne


  24. writinggomer says:

    Hi Angela,

    Got your name right!

    I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.
    For details see my post here,


  25. Freedomborn says:

    Hi Angela we are missing you, Hope all is well and your just having some time out, thinking of you with Love Anne and Ron.


    • Thanks for your concern Anne & Ron.

      My husband had a minor heart attack last Sunday (He’s OK now).

      We were sitting in Church and he more or less passed out, chin on chest, as if asleep, but he was drained of all colour and he was icy cold to touch, even though swamped with perspiration. His pulse was very slow and erratic. An ambulance was called and he was treated in the Church, during the sermon. We always sit near the front, so I’m afraid it was a distraction, but it couldn’t have happened at a better time. There were many to help, including two nursing sisters – and more importantly, there was prayer.

      His heart rate had dropped dramatically but he responded quite well and is now back to ‘normal’. He will have a Pacemaker fitted soon. (Another great Aussie invention! – can’t help that little bit of Aussie pride!)

      Thanks for your concern.
      I’m now trying to catch up.


  26. writinggomer says:


    Your posts are well thought out and well written. Great site you have here. :)
    I am nominating you for the ABC award. Accept or not as you will!
    See my post http://believinggodtoday.com/2012/01/31/abc-award/ for details.


  27. Caddo Veil says:

    What a miraculous, wonderful story! Great to meet another Christian sister through Anne–will see you again soon, I hope! God bless you abundantly today!


    • Hi Caddo Veil. Welcome. I hope we get to know each other and praise our Lord together.


      • Caddo Veil says:

        I came back today, and just wanted to say, “thanks, Grandmama!” If you don’t mind that affectionate name! This is a wonderful blog you have–and good to see that you accept awards (some believers don’t)–I’ll remember to pass some on to you!! Have a blessed day in Him!!


        • Call me anything you like. I’ve never been called ‘Grandmama’ before but that’s OK. I often get Cloud or Cloudwatcher or CW but I’ll accept any wholesome name.
          I was reluctant to accept awards at first, because it is only as the Lord directs my thoughts that I can participate. The honour is His and His alone and if having them posted draws more people to read of His love and goodness, then I’m happy to post them.


  28. Hey There, I found your blog as I researched for a blog project. Would you drop a me a line, I think you might be interested in what I’m doing. bookgirl4 [at] att.net.



  29. Freedomborn says:

    As a friend in The Lord Angela I would like to offer you personally The King of Kings Friendship Award…fell free to accept it or not.

    Blog Post – http://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2011/11/30/the-king-of-kings-friendship-award/

    Christian Love Anne


    • Hi Anne. I have only just found this comment, but it would have come during my sojourn, when my mind and body were not functioning correctly.
      Thank you for the award which I accept, giving honour to the Lord.
      I’ll check it out.


  30. Hi, Just letting you know I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. If you are like me and do not know what it is about, check out my most recent post. http://drusillamott.wordpress.com


  31. Hi, I just found you through “The Master’s Table”. I only started blogging in July, but I am finding an abundance of blessings through the sites of God’s other children. I will definitely have to come back and get into your archives.


  32. Bob Brown at Bundaberg West Baptists passed on your blog address and I am so pleased that he did.
    Thank you for such a wonderful testimony which I feel certain will have (and has had) an eternal impact on all those who have read through your blog.
    As someone who also has a website ministry, I hope that many others who are not of the iPod and Blackberry generation will be encouraged that at 74 you have chosen blogging as a fantastic way to minister to others.
    Thank you so much and may you be richly blessed.
    Nick (and Jane)


    • Hi Nick.
      Thank you for your words of encouragement. It is such a privilege to be used of the Lord in such a way. I know God will continue to use you to bless many others in your ministry.


  33. heather joy says:

    Oh my! How I love this blog already…. and this is only the first post I’ve read on it!

    What a blessing you are – taking what men “meant for evil” and knowing that “God meant it for good.” We have such a faithful, trustworthy Savior!

    I look forward to scouting out your blog more and more in the days to come – as well as reading any new posts that may come. :)

    May God continue to richly bless you!
    ~ Heather Joy


  34. pbus1 says:

    Hello! Thank you for stopping by my page the other day. That was very encouraging to me. It appears, that we have a lot in common, as far as our ministries are concerned. Also, my younger sister’s name is also Angela. So, I won’t forget your name. Have a blessed day.


  35. donkimrey says:

    Bless you. Very touching and very convincing. There is no doubt in my mind that God is using your testimony. ~donkimrey


  36. pbus1 says:

    I love the name of your blog, and the meaning behind it. When I visited your site, I realized why you were using that name. It definitely keeps us mindful of the glorious time, when Jesus will come back for us, and we will spend eternity with Him! What a great time that will be! I will not be a stranger on your side! I am glad I stumbled across it.

    I enjoy reading your posts. I am very new to this web site, and I am still working on a few things on my site. When you have a moment, please feel free to stop by. I would enjoy the fellowship. God bless you!!!


  37. Hi, nice to meet you !


  38. Papa Bear says:

    Very nice blog. I will have to stop back by and catch up, but definitely keep it going.


  39. Pat says:

    Such a wonderful testimony!!! It’s truly amazing the way that God loves us and takes such wonderful care of us.God heals our past hurts and then uses them to help others!!! God is just soooo good Thanks for stopping in and for youe lovely comment.
    Love ya and have a good evening. :D


  40. scripture7 says:

    Isn’t it great to know our HeavenlyFather always cares for us, no matter what we go through. After all we are His “Much Cared For” child. Enjoyed your blog. Brenda


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