Harmony or discord 2A piano can send forth beautiful, harmonious melodies when played by an accomplished pianist, but when it is banged by a child (regardless of how cute the child is) it can drive us to distraction with its discordant, horrible sounds.

A Christian can be like a piano.

We can have beautiful, harmonious lives, pleasing and challenging to those we encounter . . . when we are controlled by the Master.
Or our lives can be discordant and even obnoxious . . . when they are undisciplined and controlled by self.

2 Corinthians 5:15,17  NLT
He died for everyone
so that those who receive His new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

Romans 6:11-14  NLT
Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires.
Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God,
for you were dead, but now you have new life.
So use your whole body as an instrument
to do what is right for the glory of God.
Sin is no longer your master,
for you no longer live under the requirements of the law.
Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace.

Put offEphesians 4:22-24  NLT
Throw off your old sinful nature
and your former way of life,
which is corrupted
by lust and deception.
Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.
Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy. 

Romans 13:11-12  NLT
This is all the more urgent, for you know how late it is;
time is running out.
Wake up, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.
The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here.
So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes,
and put on the shining armour of right living.  

Questions I need to ask myself

offering self#  Who is in control of my life?
#  Does my life give forth pleasant,
harmonious melodies?

#  Do they see Christ in me?

#   Is my life a challenge and a
stepping-stone to faith in Christ?

#  Or is my life a stumbling-block?

It IS either one or the other.

Two natures framed

About meetingintheclouds

I am Cloudwatcher, a 76 year old Christian lady, happily married to a wonderful man for over 50 years. We have five wonderful sons, all with at least one University degree and in top positions in their chosen fields. One son is still single but four have found perfect wives and they have given us five lovely grandchildren. I was born in England and while I'm proud of my English heritage, I am doubly proud to be a true-blue, fair-dinkum Aussie. My husband and I are committed Christians whose first priority is to love and serve our risen Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. My life story will tell of my journey from abuse to peace. I suffered 22 years of abuse, being constantly told I was totally evil and an ugly freak: no one would ever want me, so I might as well do the world a favour and kill myself.
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15 Responses to HARMONY or DISCORD?

  1. Such good questions Angela. One I will add to my list for devotion time is “What must change in me to make me a better stepping stone?”


  2. Gloria says:

    Once again you nailed it Angela! Great blog!


  3. Ann says:

    Thanks for sharing, Angela

    “# Is my life a challenge and a stepping-stone to faith in Christ?
    # Or is my life a stumbling-block?
    It IS either one or the other.”

    Thanks for pointing this out. We need to hear truth, especially in this day and age where we are being taught that life is not all black and white. :(

    Blessings much,


    • Thanks Ann for including the ‘black and white’ thing.
      How true that the world makes excuses with their shades of grey, minimising wrong, while the devil cleverly paints everything in bright, dazzling colours, telling us to enjoy because there is no wrong.

      On the other hand, God’s commands are plain and clear to all. Everything is black or white – no in between.

      Sin is sin, is sin, is sin, is sin, is sin. No ifs buts or maybes: no ‘little’ sins.
      Either a person is a child of the devil or a child of God. No in between.
      Either we show forth the Light of the indwelling Christ or we show darkness.

      May we radiate His Light to all we meet.


  4. Pingback: MY POTENTIAL – Do I reach it, or do I insult my God by refusing His gift? | ChristianBlessings

  5. joecruzmn says:

    love the imagery between the piano and the Christians. Well put and great image


  6. snowgood says:

    Time is running out – Romans 13 – 11. How true. Would that I would wake up, and make more of a difference, being convicted of my need to be available, and willing to share the Gospel.


    • Stephen, me too!
      I repeat the words of Annie Johnson Flint, which I quoted to Rob’s comment – and which I repeat to myself almost every day, and certainly when I go shopping . . .
      We are the only Bible
      The careless world will read.
      We are the sinner’s Gospel,
      We are the scoffer’s creed.
      We are the Lord’s last message,
      Given in deed and word:
      What if the type is crooked?
      What if the print is blurred?


  7. Rob Barkman says:


    I LOVED your statement after the list of questions to ask ourselves… “Is my life a challenge and a
    stepping-stone to faith in Christ? Or is my life a stumbling-block?” It IS either one or the other.”

    How true we are one or the other. My Sunday School teacher used to always tell us, once you have made your faith in Christ known (by baptism and/or verbal testimony) we are then witnesses whether we realize it or not. We are either helpful witnesses for the cause of Christ or we are harmful witnesses, but in either case, we are witnesses and nothing can change that.

    Over the years I have learned that this principle you and my teacher have presented is absolute truth. WE ARE ALL WITNESSES. The real question is are we furthering His cause or harming His cause.

    Thanks for another posting FILLED with the truth of the Word. Lord bless you and Myles.


    • Thanks Rob. I know I didn’t have you in my Sunday School or Youth class, but there wasn’t anyone I ever taught who didn’t get that teaching. It is SO important!

      I think of the words of Annie Johnson Flint. I am sure you know them well . . .
      We are the only Bible
      The careless world will read.
      We are the sinner’s Gospel,
      We are the scoffer’s creed.
      We are the Lord’s last message,
      Given in deed and word:
      What if the type is crooked?
      What if the print is blurred?


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