No recordA wealthy English merchant who lived on the European continent was never satisfied with anything less than the best.  This extended to the cars he owned and his pride and joy was a Rolls-Royce which had given him great service  through the years.

One day, while driving on an extremely bumpy mountain road, his car hit a very deep pothole, resulting in a broken rear axle.  The owner had the car shipped back to the Rolls plant in England and was surprised by the very speedy repair service.  He received no bill for the work, and knowing the warranty had run out long ago, he communicated with the company.

Again, the response was immediate.  The reply stated, “We have thoroughly searched our files and we find NO RECORD of a Rolls Royce axle ever breaking.”    The integrity and excellence of the company would not permit a flaw in workmanship or materials to be made known.

Christ died
The excellence of the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work of redemption at Calvary do not permit our flaws to be made known to the Father once they have been confessed and repented of and thereby forgiven.  HE has accomplished our forgiveness, and it is complete. We are justified – ‘just-as-if-I’d’ never sinned.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psalm 103:12
As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our sins from us.

Hebrews 10:17
Their sins and iniquities I will remember no more

If I were to talk with the Lord about a sin I had committed,
but which I had already confessed to Him, He would say to me,
“My dear child, you must be mistaken.  I have NO RECORD of that sin!”

If God has forgiven me,
I have NO RIGHT to withhold forgiveness from myself.

In fact, if I do not forgive myself, and hold feelings of guilt,
I offend God by calling Him a LIAR!

When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the GUILT within,
Upward I look and see Him there
Who MADE AN END of ALL my sin.
Because the sinless Saviour died
My sinful soul is counted FREE.
For God the just is satisfied
Charitie Bancroft


Being justified, being forgiven and cleansed,
is the right and privilege of every blood-bought, adopted child of the living God
– BUT –
it is NOT the right of the unbeliever.

God freely extends His grace to all,
and all who come to Him in faith will be received.

Jesus said
John 14:6 
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
No one can come to the Father, except through Me

John 6:37 
He who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.

Warning 1

About meetingintheclouds

I am Cloudwatcher, a 76 year old Christian lady, happily married to a wonderful man for over 50 years. We have five wonderful sons, all with at least one University degree and in top positions in their chosen fields. One son is still single but four have found perfect wives and they have given us five lovely grandchildren. I was born in England and while I'm proud of my English heritage, I am doubly proud to be a true-blue, fair-dinkum Aussie. My husband and I are committed Christians whose first priority is to love and serve our risen Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. My life story will tell of my journey from abuse to peace. I suffered 22 years of abuse, being constantly told I was totally evil and an ugly freak: no one would ever want me, so I might as well do the world a favour and kill myself.
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23 Responses to NO RECORD

  1. “My dear child, you must be mistaken. I have NO RECORD of that sin!” Such a powerful word and blessing to receive! I found you through Lillie-Put “Saturday Blog Tadah!” This post is so uplifting thank you.


    • Hi Debby. Welcome.
      Those words were actually “spoken” to me by my loving Father. I was a Roman Catholic when He stepped into my life and changed me completely. Although about to become a nun, I didn’t really know whether or not there was such a person as “God” but believed that if there was, this was the way to find/please Him. We were taught that even though we received ‘absolution’ after confession, we were not completely forgiven, but would still have to pay for our sin in purgatory. If we went to confession and hadn’t committed a “mortal” sin, we had to confess a previously-confessed mortal sin to obtain absolution.

      Can you imagine the surprise and JOY when I found out, as a new Christian, that my sins were G-O-N-E? I read the Scriptures I quoted, and “heard” my Father declare He had no record of previous sins.

      We serve an incredibly amazing God who delights to call us His own and who, one day soon, will receive us faultless before His throne, because of the finished work of Christ in redemption.


  2. Brenda J says:

    A very good word indeed! Thank you for sharing the redemptive and saving nature of our very good God! Be blessed as you continue to spread the love and light of Christ! So glad my brother introduced me to your blog! Sending love and prayers from The Netherlands!


    • Welcome Brenda. I feel as though I’ve known you for a long time, as I’ve met and followed you through your brother, and prayed for you since he spent time with you in the Netherlands.
      I look forward to sharing with you.


  3. Pingback: The Saturday Blog “Tadah!” Week 5 | Lillie-Put

  4. This was an excellent word Angela. I love the word at the very end. God has been speaking to me a lot about the three fold manifestation of grace. God in His grace is never satisfied with justification. His grace desires and requires that He bring about the sanctification and ultimately the glorification of those He justifies.


    • Agreed J. In the eyes of God we are already glorified, because our eternity is secure in Christ. We KNOW He will bring us to the time when we will be presented faultless before Him. Meanwhile, He sanctifies us, showering us with the abundance of His grace as He draws us closer and closer to the person He intends us to be. Faithful is our God, who also will DO it.

      We serve an incredibly amazing God!


  5. Planting Potatoes says:

    very well put!


  6. ptl2010 says:

    The wonderful grace and mercy of Jesus is that there is room at the cross for forgiveness for everyone who comes,but no space for the one who does not come. Angela, you have reminded us today that for us who have come, we have the liberty of sins forgiven – so do not live under the shadow of our forgiven sins. Praise God whom the Son sets free is free indeed.


    • Two truths that ‘turned me upside down’ in the first week of my new life in Christ . . .

      1. I discovered I had been adopted (my desire for years was to discover I had been adopted) – adopted by a PERFECT Father into His own family.
      2. I discovered that my sins, once confessed to God and repented of by me, were completely GONE, never to be remembered by God. If HE does not remember them, I have no right to. I am just-as-if-I’d never sinned – not because of anything I have done, but ONLY because of Christ’s finished work of redemption and the efficacy of His atoning sacrifice.

      What an incredibly amazing Redeemer!


  7. This post is a great reminder that Jesus paid our sin debt with His life, Angela. Sometimes we behave as though we are still attached to the Yoke of bondage. It is time we take our rightful place in the world. We are heirs with Christ and no longer bound.

    Thanks so much for sharing. God blesses.


    • So true, Noel. We are heirs of God, joint-heirs with Christ. We can stand before Father God simply because we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ and accepted in Him.

      We serve an incredibly amazing God who loves us with an everlasting love and gave Himself for us.


  8. Pingback: The Read and Share File | The Master's Table

  9. Debbie says:

    You always get me excited for Jesus and what HE has done! Thank you for this really important post, showing us that there is no record of our sins after we’ve repented and He’s forgiven us. God bless you, mentor Angela, as you keep us praising Him!


    • GET you excited for Jesus?
      Debbie, I know you are ALWAYS excited for Jesus – and you pass on that excitement every day as you share with us the riches of your time with Him, in the words He gives you for your ‘simple poem’.


  10. optimisticgladness says:

    “Being justified, being forgiven and cleansed, is the right and privilege of every blood-bought, adopted child of the living God – BUT – it is NOT the right of the unbeliever.” I never thought of it that way. Another great post!


    • The blood of Christ CANNOT avail for anyone who does not believe – who does not agree with God about their own sin and trust in the finished work of Christ who bore their sin and experienced the wrath of God for them; and believe that because His sacrifice was acceptable to God, He raised Him from the dead.

      While the unbeliever enjoys many blessings from the hand of God, there are many reserved only for His own blood-bought, adopted children.

      We serve an incredibly amazing God who delights to bless His children.


      • optimisticgladness says:

        I was talking about this today. When you have the favor of God and you are obedient to Him, you are destined to succeed. Failure is impossible. Incredibly amazing is right.


  11. Rob Barkman says:

    AMEN! “Just as if I had never sinned” No greater words have ever been spoken! What a blessing it is to know that we have the marvelous grace of Christ constantly being shown to us as He constantly is interceding on our behalf based upon His great work on the cross. Thank you Angela for the reminder of all He is doing for us everyday.


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