blood transfusion

Johnny’s sister needed a blood transfusion.  The doctor carefully explained to Johnny that Mary had the same  serious disease from which he had recovered two years earlier, and her best chance of survival was a blood transfusion from someone who had previously conquered the disease.

The two siblings had the same blood type, so Johnny was the ideal donor.  Johnny hesitated for a few seconds when the doctor asked him if he would give his blood for Mary. His lower lip trembled slightly, but he smiled, and said “Sure. I’ll give my blood for my sister.”

The two were wheeled into the hospital theatre for a direct transfusion. Mary was pale and thin. Johnny was robust and healthy. Neither spoke, but when their eyes met, Johnny grinned at his sister.

As the nurse inserted the needle into Johnny’s arm his smile faded.
He watched the blood flow into the tube.

After a while, his voice, slightly shaky, broke the silence.
“Doctor, when will I die?”

Only then did the doctor realise why Johnny had hesitated and why his lip had trembled as he agreed. Johnny had thought that giving his blood to his sister had meant giving up his life for her. Johnny had watched the blood flowing out of him and wondered how long it would take before it all drained.
The doctor quickly explained the situation to the brave little boy.

Each one of us has a condition far more serious than Mary’s.

Our condition required the Lord Jesus Christ not only to give His blood,
but to die a cruel death for us.

Each one of us was born with a sinful nature
and we are sinners by nature, by choice and by practice.

The penalty for sin is death: spiritual death and physical death.

There is NOTHING that we can do to pay the penalty for our sin,
or to make amends for it or to wipe it out.

ONLY the Lord Jesus Christ,
the Creator of the universe, the sinless, perfect Son of God,
could make atonement for our sin. 
ONLY He could fully represent God and fully represent man. 
ONLY He was qualified because ONLY He was without sin.

Christ became sin for us

1 Corinthians 15:3
Christ died for our sins

Hebrews 9:22
Without the shedding of blood,
there is no remission of sin.

2 Corinthians 5:21
For God has made Jesus, who knew no sin,
to be sin for us,
so that we could become
the righteousness of God in Him.

John 14:6
Jesus said,
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life:

no one comes to the Father, except by Me.

About meetingintheclouds

I am Cloudwatcher, a 76 year old Christian lady, happily married to a wonderful man for over 50 years. We have five wonderful sons, all with at least one University degree and in top positions in their chosen fields. One son is still single but four have found perfect wives and they have given us five lovely grandchildren. I was born in England and while I'm proud of my English heritage, I am doubly proud to be a true-blue, fair-dinkum Aussie. My husband and I are committed Christians whose first priority is to love and serve our risen Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. My life story will tell of my journey from abuse to peace. I suffered 22 years of abuse, being constantly told I was totally evil and an ugly freak: no one would ever want me, so I might as well do the world a favour and kill myself.
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4 Responses to AN ACT OF LOVE

  1. Rob Barkman says:

    What a blessing it is to know that the perfect Son of God chose to give His life for me on the cross… I didn’t deserve it, He didn’t owe it to me … but He simply chose to do it out of love for me. Thanks be to God for His love and salvation.

    Lord bless you, Rob


  2. pbus1 says:

    Hi Angela,

    “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” How can I say thanks unto the Lord, for all that He suffered and endured, for a wretch like me! “The voices of 1,000,000 angels, cannot express my gratitude. All that I am, and ever hope to be, I owe it all to thee! To God be the glory, for the things He has done!” Hallelujah, what a Savior!



    • Hi Paulette,
      I don’t think it will be long before we are able to worship our Saviour with true sincerity and no thoughts for else but Him – and do so for all eternity. What a day of rejoicing it will be when we see Him face to face!

      What a Saviour!



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