The warmth of a touch

A Japanese magazine has a picture of a butterfly on one of its pages. It is a dull grey colour – until it is warmed by the touch of the hand.

The warmth of a hand causes the special inks in the printing to react and the dull grey is transformed into a flashing rainbow of colour.





We may marvel at the technology which allows this, but we can learn a lesson from it.

What else can we change by the warmth of our touch?

Can my family, my Church, my friends, my neighbours and even the people I meet as I shop, be changed by the warmth of my interest and care?
Could the Christlife in me – the Christlove in me – change a life from dull grey to radiant colours?   Of course it could – IF I let it flow from me to those in need.

We all know people who are hungry for the touch of someone’s love.

Christmas is a lonely time for many people, especially for those who have lost loved ones.

Let us reach out with a cheery smile, encouraging words and a helping hand to make a difference.

About meetingintheclouds

I am Cloudwatcher, a 76 year old Christian lady, happily married to a wonderful man for over 50 years. We have five wonderful sons, all with at least one University degree and in top positions in their chosen fields. One son is still single but four have found perfect wives and they have given us five lovely grandchildren. I was born in England and while I'm proud of my English heritage, I am doubly proud to be a true-blue, fair-dinkum Aussie. My husband and I are committed Christians whose first priority is to love and serve our risen Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. My life story will tell of my journey from abuse to peace. I suffered 22 years of abuse, being constantly told I was totally evil and an ugly freak: no one would ever want me, so I might as well do the world a favour and kill myself.
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9 Responses to THE WARMTH OF A TOUCH

  1. snowgood says:

    Tried to give you 5 out of 5, but mouse slipped and gave you 2! Doh!

    I think this is a great encouragement, we can ideed bring warmth and beauty when we act intentionally – seeking to bless.


  2. pbus1 says:

    Although I am not well at this time, I thank God for the desire, to help others who are also in need. I may not be able to get out to visit others, but I reach out to them via the telephone when I can, and I try to do whatever the Lord leads me to do. Writing a few lines in a card means much, to those who are struggling in some way. I solicit your prayers, that God will strengthen me, so that I can be used by Him, even in some small way, to help others. Lord, I am available to you!

    Thank you for sharing this post. It is so true, that the holidays can be difficult, because I know this firsthand. However, I try sometimes to focus on others, rather than myself. God bless you!


    • Hi Paulette.
      Sometimes I wish the world was a smaller place. I’d love to pop over and have a chat with you, encourage you in your ministry and help in some way if possible. Many in your situation would sit at home and wallow in self pity with no thought of others. Evidently you know the joy of doing the little you are able to bring cheer to others. I know God will continue to bless you and USE YOU to bring blessings to others.


  3. agnes msenya says:

    we should learn how to bless others . be blessed


  4. Rob Barkman says:

    Gal 6:9-10 (KJV)
    “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all [men], especially unto them who are of the household of faith. ”

    Thank you for the encouragement to do good to others. It really hits home. May the Lord continue to bless you in your ministry.


    • Last night on our news we heard of a mother who had reversed over her 4 yr old and killed her. What a tragedy! She will live that grief the rest of her life. There are no personal details given so we are unable to help her and her family, but it sure has reminded us of several we DO know whom we CAN help – and we will.


  5. heather joy says:

    What a beautiful post and a great lesson for us to recieve from it.
    May my life be used of the Lord to help others every day of my life.
    God bless you.


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